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Online Car Auctions cars for sale

Online Car Auctions: Used, Salvage, Repairable Cars for Sale

You may have experienced a live car auction before, but venturing into the world of online auto auctions featuring salvage autos is a different story. If you are looking for an online car auction, is the right place. Our online auto auctions offer thousands of repairable cars, trucks, and SUVs open to both the public and businesses. Choose from a wide range of junk, used, salvage, and repairable cars for sale from popular brands such as Honda, Toyota, Ford, Chevy, BMW, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Volvo, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benz.

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User-friendly website

How Our Online Car
Auctions Work?

The platform is simple to use. Register, search, and start bidding immediately in car auctions live online.
You have many options to choose from. We list crashed cars, trucks, vans, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and even boats. We provide access to over 300,000 vehicles in our stock for daily and weekly online auto auctions. At, you can get access to dealer-only online car auctions and save big bucks on your purchase. The majority of the cars listed in our car auction website are in a repairable condition, giving you a good chance at landing a great deal. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, don’t forget to check back!

Step-by-Step Guide guide

Why Choose has thousands of vehicle types, makes, and models. We encourage our customers to inspect the vehicles in public auto auctions before bidding. We give our members access to the largest auto auction inventory and offer the best car buying experience without requiring a dealer’s license. has made buying a used or crashed car easy and stress-free. You can score great deals without leaving your home when you participate in salvage auto auctions.

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Ready to bid, but need further assistance? No problem! Whether you are looking to buy an automobile for personal or business use, our experts can help you throughout the entire car buying process in our car auctions in the USA. Our staff is ready to help you with finding your favorite vehicle, placing bids, and transportation of your dream car to your doorstep. Contact us now, we can assist you in English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Polish, Georgian, Russian, Arabic and French.

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