Buy Cars with AutoBidMaster Nigeria!

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Услуги AutoBidMaster


Rich Experience

AutoBidMaster Nigeria is an authorized representative of Copart, a well-known and recognized US auto auction that helps thousands of people buy used cars. We have been operating for more than 10 years in online vehicle bidding and have gained the reputation of being a reliable and trusted platform that helps buy a car online. These facts mean that people trust our company and buy used cars with us!

Car Shipping Services

AutoBidMaster also offers car shipping services in partnership with EasyHaul. It helps provide a comprehensive service package to our customers. Besides all that, you can calculate the cost of shipping a car right on the auction lot page when using the AutoBidMaster online bidding platform to buy a car! That means you don’t need to evaluate a car shipping cost on your own, taking into account various factors of the service price—our interactive system will handle it.

Huge Choice of Used Cars

You can choose from over 300 000 used American cars. We also have a special offer for traders that are involved in buying used cars. Our years of expertise provide our buyers and sellers with confidence when it comes to buying a car. AutoBidMaster provides competitive pricing for purchasing and exporting wholesale vehicles from auto auctions in the United States and Canada.

Vehicle History Lookup

Our company always strives for better outcomes to offer only the best used American cars. That is why we provide a vehicle history lookup by VIN in cooperation with our partner ClearVin and offer special reports with all the needed information before buying used cars. You can reveal detailed automobile specifications, actual mileage, recall records, and much more. This gives a comprehensive data package that helps you make the right decision before buying used cars and find the best used American cars that meet your requirements.

Team of Professionals

Our customer-oriented staff will help you buy used cars and organize car shipping services to Nigeria. You can find us in Greenville Plaza, 19 Admiralty Way. Contact our local AutoBidMaster team to make an appointment and buy a car. .

Transparent Activity

If you want to buy a car online without hidden fees and car shipping delays, we encourage you to use services from AutoBidMaster Nigeria. You are also free to contact our team of professionals and book an appointment if you have any questions.

Преимущества AutoBidMaster


Официальный зарегистрированный брокер

AutoBidMaster – официальный и №1 зарегистрированный брокер Copart в Nigeria

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Autobidmaster Joel A. Review
Joel A.
Оценка 5 из 5

Сначала, я скептически относился к тому, стоит ли покупать машину в интернете. Но я решил обратиться в команду AutoBidMaster Nigeria, и их специалисты объяснили мне, как безопасно купить автомобиль. Более того, мне помогли подобрать лучшее предложение по покупке автомобиля и организовали доставку авто.

Autobidmaster Gabriel S. Review
Gabriel S.
Оценка 5 из 5

Я покупаю автомобили онлайн уже почти 6 лет, но все не мог найти хорошую компанию. Пока мои друзья не порекомендовали попробовать купить подержанные автомобили с AutoBidMaster Nigeria. Сейчас с такими специалистами как они покупка и доставка автомобилей для меня не проблема.

Autobidmaster Bill H. Review
Bill H.
Оценка 4 из 5

Я долго искал возможность купить автомобиль, пока не наткнулся на AutoBidMaster Nigeria. Эти ребята быстро мне помогли! Самыми сложными для меня были услуги по доставке автомобиля, но со всем, включая расчет стоимости доставки автомобиля, справились сотрудники AutoBidMaster. Хочу отметить, что подержанные американские автомобили достаточно надежны, если за ними ухаживать. Так что не бойтесь покупать машину онлайн.

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Наш лаунж


Наша команда

Наши специалисты имеют опыт работы более 15 лет в автомобильной индустрии. Мы поможем вам разобраться в тонкостях аукциона и предложим лучший вариант доставки!

Account Manager
Yinka Adeboye
График работы: Mon–Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Часто Задаваемые Вопросы

How can I buy a car in Nigeria with AutoBidMaster?

First and foremost, we encourage you to get acquainted with the fundamentals of how to buy a car from AutoBidMaster.
We also strongly advise you to carefully read our rules and policies.

After you have learned all the basic materials and are familiar with our platform for buying cars online, we recommend the AutoBidMaster Nigeria lounge to book an appointment, if it is possible, and connect with our local sales management team to buy a car and discuss the cost of shipping a car. Thus, you will be able to receive the latest and relevant data or learn all the peculiarities when it comes to buying used American cars in Nigeria.

Is it possible for dealers to buy used cars with AutoBidMaster Nigeria?

We offer a lot of benefits for dealers so they can buy used American cars easily. Among the advantages are unlimited VIN checks, full access to all vehicle auctions that allow you to buy used cars in North America, assistance with documentation, along with many others. You can find out more here or by contacting the AutoBidMaster Nigeria team.

What about car shipping services?

In partnership with EasyHaul, we provide transportation for used American cars all over the world. AutoBidMaster can also offer the freight of bought vehicles to Nigeria. The car shipping cost includes pick-up from an auction yard, delivery to a warehouse, loading onto a cargo ship, US customs clearance, documentation, and delivery to a destination port.

How can I be sure that buying a car with AutoBidMaster Nigeria is safe?

First, AutoBidMaster Nigeria is a licensed and authorized representative of Copart. It means we have a great and time-proven reputation. You can read more here. Second, we provide all the needed information about used American cars that are available on our platform. In addition, you can reveal the vehicle’s background history by VIN with the services from our partner ClearVin.